
The vehicle has components and labels that use symbols instead of text. Symbols are shown along with the text describing the operation or information relating to a specific component, control, message, gauge, or indicator.

border=0>This symbol is shown when you need to see your owner manual forThis symbol is shown when you need to see your owner manual for additional instructions or information.

border=0>This symbol is shown when you need to see a service manual forThis symbol is shown when you need to see a service manual for additional instructions or information.

Vehicle Symbol Chart

Here are some additional symbols that may be found on the vehicle and what they mean. For more information on the symbol, refer to the Index.

border=0>: Airbag Readiness Light: Airbag Readiness Light

border=0>: Air Conditioning: Air Conditioning

border=0>: Antilock Brake System (ABS): Antilock Brake System (ABS)

border=0>: Audio Steering Wheel Controls or OnStar®: Audio Steering Wheel Controls or OnStar®

border=0>: Brake System Warning Light: Brake System Warning Light

border=0>: Charging System: Charging System

border=0>: Cruise Control: Cruise Control

border=0>: Engine Coolant Temperature: Engine Coolant Temperature

border=0>: Exterior Lamps: Exterior Lamps

border=0>: Fog Lamps: Fog Lamps

border=0>: Fuel Gauge: Fuel Gauge

border=0>: Fuses: Fuses

border=0>: Headlamp High/Low-Beam Changer: Headlamp High/Low-Beam Changer

border=0>: Heated Steering Wheel: Heated Steering Wheel

border=0>: LATCH System Child Restraints: LATCH System Child Restraints

border=0>: Malfunction Indicator Lamp: Malfunction Indicator Lamp

border=0>: Oil Pressure: Oil Pressure

border=0>: Outside Power Foldaway Mirrors: Outside Power Foldaway Mirrors

border=0>: Power: Power

border=0>: Remote Vehicle Start: Remote Vehicle Start

border=0>: Safety Belt Reminders: Safety Belt Reminders

border=0>: Tire Pressure Monitor: Tire Pressure Monitor

border=0>: Traction Control/StabiliTrak: Traction Control/StabiliTrak

border=0>: Windshield Washer Fluid: Windshield Washer Fluid

    See also:

    Airbag System
    The vehicle has the following airbags: - A frontal airbag for the driver. - A frontal airbag for the outboard front passenger. - A seat-mounted side impact airbag for the driver. - A seat-mo ...

    Making a Call
    Radio with CD 1. Press the PHONE button twice. 2. Enter the character sequence. See “Entering a Character Sequence” in Operation for more information. 3. Select Call to start dialing the numbe ...

    Gate Operator and Canadian Programming
    If you have questions or need help programming the Universal Home Remote System, call 1-800-355-3515 or go to Canadian radio-frequency laws require transmitter signals to ...