
The vehicle has components and labels that use symbols instead of text. Symbols are shown along with the text describing the operation or information relating to a specific component, control, message, gauge, or indicator.

you need to see your owner manual: This symbol is shown when you need to see your owner manual for additional instructions or information.

you need to see a service manual : This symbol is shown when you need to see a service manual for additional instructions or information.

    See also:

    The verdict

    But forget passengers; getting drivers behind the wheel is the real concern for Cadillac, with brand marketing boss Don Butler telling journalists that the ATS launch that they haven’t had product ...

    Navigation System
    If the vehicle has a navigation system, there is a separate navigation system manual that includes information on the radio, audio players, and navigation system. The navigation system provides d ...

    Reactivation for Subsequent Owners
    Push and follow the prompts to speak to an Advisor as soon as possible after acquiring the vehicle. The Advisor will update vehicle records and will explain the OnStar service offers and opt ...