AVG (Average) Speed

Displays the average speed of the vehicle in either kilometers per hour (km/h) or miles per hour (mph).

This calculation is based on the various vehicle speeds recorded since the last reset of this display.

Press the set/reset button to reset to zero.

    See also:

    Multi-Band Antenna
    The antenna located on the roof of the vehicle is used for the OnStar, XM Satellite Radio Service System, and GPS (Global Positioning System), if the vehicle has these features. Keep the ant ...

    Mirror Adjustment
    Exterior Manual Folding Mirrors Shown To adjust the mirror: 1. Move the selector switch to L (Left) or R (Right) to choose the driver or passenger mirror. 2. Press the arrows on the con ...

    'Control and alert' safety strategy
    Safety in the ATS is based on Cadillac's "control and alert" strategy that employs advanced technologies - including radar, cameras and ultrasonic sensors - to help prevent crashes. Th ...