
Press the Options screen button. A Traffic Options menu displays. Select the

Press the Options screen button. A Traffic Options menu displays. Select the desired traffic related option.

Traffic: Press to enable or disable the traffic function.

Show Traffic ICONS: Press to display traffic icons on the map screen. This function allows which traffic information displays.

Traffic Flow Status — This screen button is used to enable or disable the green,

Traffic Flow Status — This screen button is used to enable or disable the green, yellow, red and orange arrows shown beside the roads and used to show the traffic flow or extent of a traffic event.

  • Black indicates a closed road segment.
  • Red indicates significantly impaired traffic flow with average speed of fewer than 40 km/h (25 mph).
  • Yellow indicates slightly impaired traffic flow with average speed between 40 km/h (25 mph) and 72 km/h (45 mph).
  • Green indicates normal traffic flow with average speed above 72 km/h (45 mph). . Orange indicates construction.

Traffic flow data arrows display on the map when scaled up to eight miles.

Closed Road, Traffic Delays, Incidents, and Advisories — These four screen buttons are used to select the traffic event ICONS that appear on the map screens.

Alert for Approaching Traffic Events: When On, if an approaching traffic event is within the alert range, one of two traffic alert pop-up screens display:

  • With no route planned, while on expressways, Approaching Traffic Event without Avoid screen displays.
  • With route planned, Traffic Event on Route screen displays. If the Alert for Approaching Traffic Events is Off, the alert pop-up screen does not display.
    See also:

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